Vision of a Graduate

Laker U episodes are also available on our YouTube channel LakerTV
Laker U, or Laker University, is an initiative that was rolled out during the 2022 - 2023 SLRHS school year. Laker U’s goal is to inspire and guide students to becoming the best Laker they can be. Being the best Laker means that not only do we focus on our Core Values of building Relationships, being Inclusive, Resilient, as well as accepting and rising to Challenges, but it also means that we follow our Vision of the Graduate. Our VOG includes Respect, Leadership, Accountability, Knowledge and Engagement. These values are lived day to day by our Lakers through their actions and attitudes. Laker U is a vehicle that will help deliver the messages found in both our Core Values and in our Vision of the Graduate on a daily basis.
Laker U information will be created by the SLRHS Community. Topics will change weekly, but will be grouped by a theme each month. Laker U messages will be shared during morning announcements once a week and additional information will be found on the school web site and throughout the building.
Laker U is committed to sharing the message of what we do and how we act as a school community, through positive and open communication that will lead our students and staff to being the best Lakers that they can be.