Health Services

Ms. Allison Llerena
781-585-3844 x1013
Ms. Orcutt-Caruso - Paraprofessional
781-585-3844 x1012
Emergency Contact Card:
It is really important that your student has one of these blue forms on file. This form not only lets us know who to contact at home - but - it also gives the nurse permission to administer some over the counter medications with your approval. These forms were sent home and collected the first week of school. If your student comes into the health office and we do not have one on file we will send one home to be filled out and returned.
Prescription Medications:
Medications should never be sent into school with a student, including any over the counter medications. Prescriptions and some over the counter medications will require an authorization form to be completed and signed by both a parent and physician before the nurse may administer them. You student’s physician may use their own form or we have some in the Health Office If you have any questions in regards to medication please reach out to Nurse Leanne McGuinness Allison Llerena (
- Medications will need a written authorization form signed by both a physician and a parent or guardian.
- If your student self carries emergency medications please be sure to have that noted in the written orders.
- All medications must be in the original container with the current prescription label attached.
- A parent or guardian must deliver ALL medications to the school and sign in with a nurse.
If you wish to OPT OUT from screenings please put these requests in writing and forward or drop them off to the High School Health Office
Annual Mandated Health Screenings:
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health regulations mandate certain screenings take place at school. These include:
- Postural Screenings - Grade 9- (done in the fall)
- Eyes/Ears/Height/Weight - Grade 10 - (done in the spring)
Please drop any information in regards to school absences off to the Kiosk at the front of the building. A Doctor's note is required for excused absences from school due to a doctor's appointment, an injury, communicable disease or an extended absence due to illness. Silver Lake Regional Schools asks that the health care providers specify any restrictions that might need to be accommodated in school along with the date when full participation can resume (if possible).
Please drop off any physical or immunization information you have from your last Doctors visit to the Kiosk so we can be sure to have the most updated information on your student in order to help them the best that we can.
Covid Info:
The district no longer provides covid testing kits. If you are in need of covid testing, kits can be purchased at your local pharmacy or you can get some here: . No cost testing? Check this website for more information: The CDC’s isolation and exposure calculator is really helpful if you are looking for guidance on what to do if you have been exposed or if you are sick. Please be sure to have a signed doctor's note in order for any absences due to illness to be excused. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
As always please do not hesitate to reach out to us here in the Health Office with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your student’s health. We are happy to coordinate a time to discuss anything you might need. If you have any questions or concerns about the direct health care for your student please reach out to Nurse Allison Llerena,, or by phone at 781-585-3844 x1013. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to paperwork please reach out to Melanie Orcutt, or by phone at 781- 585-3844 x1012.