The New Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Form

Earlier this year, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education released a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) form to be used in school and districts across the state beginning sometime over the next two years. Your child's education team is committed to providing the best possible supports and services for your child's educational journey, and our use of the new IEP form is designed to enhance that commitment. 

This new statewide IEP form helps teams to more effectively address the needs of students eligible for special education services. The revised form focuses attention on gathering complete information about your child's strengths, challenges, and individualized goals to develop a more personalized education plan for your child.

We believe that our use of the new statewide IEP form will offer several benefits to you and your child. Some of the key advantages include:

Enhanced Collaboration: The form promotes better communication and collaboration between you, your child's teachers, and the IEP team. It encourages a better understanding of your child's unique needs, allowing for improved support strategies.

More Clarity and Consistency: The revised form is designed to ensure clarity and consistency in the IEP process and in the implementation of state and federal requirements. This consistency will facilitate smoother transitions between grade levels, and it is particularly designed to help students with disabilities to transition to post-high school life.

Comprehensive Documentation of the Program: The new IEP form offers a more detailed framework for documenting your child's progress, accommodations, and services. This will support better tracking of your child's achievements and provide valuable information for future evaluations and assessments.

Please feel free to reach out to us at 781-585-4382 if you have any immediate questions or concerns regarding the implementation of the new statewide IEP form. We value our partnership in your child's education, and we look forward to working together to support your child’s educational needs. 

For more information about the new statewide IEP form, please visit the state webpage at: IEP Improvement Project  
For general special education parent information, please visit: Parent Information